
Dog Training Denver

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Dog Training
Experts In Denver

Sit Means Sit has been providing Denver with professional dog training for over 20 years. All this time we have been delivering the highest-quality training sessions to overcome the difficulties of severe distractions, while keeping everything fun and controlled. We have several programs including puppy training, both Day and Board and Train programs, group class and more. The goal is to have something for every dog regardless of breed, size, age, or personality.

You deserve a relationship with your dog that is healthy, loving, and relaxing. We go beyond basic obedience training. We want your lifestyle to include your dog in your family activities without enduring bad behaviors such as chewing, jumping, and ignoring your calls.

Your dog is will learn the obedience and skill required to control impulses and energy even in stimulating situations such as walking in a park with other dogs, inviting people over or exploring new environments. Don’t worry, our training won’t turn your dog into a robot! On the contrary: confidence, clarity, and your dependable leadership will always improve your dog’s overall quality of life and fun.

Denver is well-acquainted with our success working with all manner of dog breeds and utilizing all the best training techniques. Whether you want to take your dog hiking, camping, rafting, biking, to a neighborhood party, or sitting by your side as you enjoy a fresh brew on a local restaurant patio, our expert dog trainers will create that dependable obedience you need.

Our staff and facility are constructed with the goal of delivering satisfying results so that every dog owner can enjoy a deep, lifelong connection with their best friend.

Contact us today at 303-422-3647 (DOGS) to schedule a FREE dog training EVALUATION!

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About Sit Means Sit Dog Training

Dog Training Classes

Any Dog Any Age Any Problem

board and train

Board & Train

If you lead a busy lifestyle or are planning to be out of town, Board and Train is the program for you. Our team can take responsibility for jump starting your dogs obedience. Our boarding services are as professional as our dog training because we know that when you drop your dog off, you are allowing us to care for something precious. When you return home, you will pick up the happiest, most well-behaved dog you have ever known.

Then we’ll teach you how to maintain the good behaviors and habits with private lessons and group class follow up. Our facility and process is built to maximize the speed of transformation in developing good behaviors, socializing and performing with distractions. Sign up for your free dog training evaluation today!

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Day Train

The Day Train Program is the best option for those who lead busy lives but don’t want to leave their dog overnight. Your work schedule can go on unimpeded with this setup because you drop your dog off in the morning and pick them up on your way home. At the end of the day, you actively participate in a 1-hour lesson with your professional trainer. Once a week for three weeks will start your journey to having a well-trained dog and all the skill and info you need before moving to the maintenance phase.

The private lessons are personally tailored to your lifestyle and goals and encourage the families’ engagement in connecting with your pet. Give us a call today or schedule a free evaluation to learn more.

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private dog training

Private Training

The private training process is ideal for those looking to build a deep bond with their pups and be very hands on. Maybe you’ve added a new puppy to your family dynamic, or you want to brush up or expand your family dog’s manners. Whatever the case, private dog obedience training is customizable to your needs in terms of time, schedule, and budget.

We offer flexible scheduling and encourage the whole family to get involved! To find out more, call or fill out a free evaluation form today!

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PAWS to educate

PAWS to Educate Program

If you work as a Veterinarian, Vet Tech, Groomer, Property Management, at a Doggy Day Care, or in the pet industry, you or your staff can go through a training program with Sit Means Sit. We will address dog training, behavior problems, dog psychology and bite prevention while providing tips to your staff, community, or residents. Plus, you get to meet our amazing dogs! Connect with our office for your next step.

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Get answers to some of our most commonly asked questions:

Each of our dog training programs is custom-tailored to the specific situation. There are a number of factors that we evaluate prior to building a training package for you, such as your dog's age, temperament, previous training, as well as the desired goals of the dog's parents. What will work for one dog and owner won't necessarily fit well with another. Because of these factors, we offer a free demonstration & consultation as an opportunity to meet with your family as well as your dog to gain insight into the unique circumstances that affect your dog training. During the demonstration, we will evaluate the factors and develop a training plan for your dog and family. From the training plan, we will be able to give you an accurate idea of the cost to accomplish your goals. There is no cost or obligation associated with the free demonstration.

Sit Means Sit uses a variety of training methods and training aids to achieve the goals of our dog owners and their pets.

The Sit Means Sit mission:

Revolutionizing the quality of life with happy, obedient, and confident dogs.

With this mission in-mind, we customize our training sessions to meet with our customer's personality as well as what will result in the best possible training experience for both dog and owner. As you view our portfolio of dog training videos, we hope that you will pay close attention to the attitude of all the dogs trained by Sit Means Sit. We pride ourselves on being able to maintain a happy and relaxed attitude in our dogs.

Sit Means Sit specializes in a diversified approach to dog training. We use an attention-based dog training system developed by Founder and CEO, Fred Hassen. This approach utilizes a variety of training tools to enable our trainers to gain the dog’s attention even in distracting situations. One of the tools that we use often in our training program is our customized Sit Means Sit Collar (remote electronic dog training collar). The reason we choose to utilize technology in our training is obvious when you understand the advantages that technology allows us.

Firstly, Sit Means Sit firmly believes in safe dog training. The technology we employ is 100% safe for dogs and humans. The Sit Means Sit Collar uses state of the art digital technology to control the output from the collar to prevent it from harming your dog. The technology that is utilized in the construction of our collar is similar technology to “electronic muscle stimulators” and “TENS” units. You may be familiar with the use of these devices in the medical field (they are very common in the Chiropractic and Physical Therapy fields) or perhaps you’ve seen devices advertised on TV as “electronic muscle massagers”. These devices essentially use low-level, adjustable electronic stimulation to creating muscle contractions. In the medical field, they are used as tools to help alleviate pain, promote blood circulation and encourage healing.

Dog Trainer With Experience

In the dog training field, specifically Sit Means Sit, remote dog training collars are used as a tool to provide a remote controlled cue. The cue is designed to neither cause pain nor to disrupt the dog’s emotional state, but rather to function as an adjustable “tap”. The approach used by Sit Means Sit trainers is to treat the “tap” from the collar as a cue for the dog to pay attention. This is no different than tapping a person on the shoulder to gain their attention. The goal of tapping them on the shoulder is not to hurt them or cause emotional distress, but rather to let them know that you want to communicate something to them.

The “tap” delivered from the Sit Means Sit Collar is a highly adjustable sensation that can be set to levels that are often imperceptible to people. Obviously this adjustability is necessary because some dogs are sensitive, while others are quite tough. There is no way to determine what levels your dog will respond to until you begin to train them with a collar. Another reason why the collars are so adjustable is because distractions from the environment are never consistent. Relate this to training with a treat. How many times will that treat work perfectly indoors, but fails to maintain your dog’s attention when a cat is running by. Sit Means Sit has found that dogs can be taught to pay attention around extreme distractions very effectively.

During the fundamental Sit Means Sit training, the dogs and handlers are taught how to condition their dog to the collar in a constructive and positive manner. By adjusting the level of the collar appropriately for the dog and the situation, as well as linking the tap from the collar with an item of high value, we can effectively teach the dog that the “tap” from the collar is related to something of value. This approach to fundamentals allows for a smooth transition into distraction training and off leash control through attention to command.

You can relate the advantages that a Sit Means Sit Collar can provide you in dog training with the advantages that a state-of-the-art smartphone provides you. Cell phones these days are no longer just phones, but mini-computers with built-in cameras, internet access and applications. These tools enhance our communication with others, allow for a diversified means of gathering and sharing information as well it’s just flat out cool what can be done with them, provided you have the knowledge. You can still choose to use you old-fashioned wall-mount telephone in your kitchen if you like, but now you’re restricted to the the length of the cord, and it’s not exactly easy to send photos to your in-laws using that wall-mount phone. Effectively limiting what you can do while you’re talking on the phone. There’s nothing wrong with doing things that way, it’s just limiting. This same relationship can also be said of using a leash to train your dog. It’s just limiting. With a smartphone you can do it all from the convenience of wherever you want.

Building on the premise of safety, the use of a remote controlled cue allows for greater freedom of communication, and in turn more efficient training through the enhancement of near-instantaneous timing. Being able to re-direct your dog’s energy or attention while he is at a distance from you greatly enhances the reliability you can achieve in a short period of time. It's also allows for you to communicate with your dog without confrontation from yelling. Also, the uniqueness of the Sit Means Sit approach stands head and shoulders above other technology-based dog training systems because of our ability to establish a neutral communication system allowing for unprecedented problem solving abilities, and through our enhanced communication skills a truly politically correct training approach. We invite you to view our training first-hand by contacting us for a free demonstration with a local trainer.

Training with a remote dog training collar like the Sit Means Sit dog training collar is really no different than training your dog with a leash or with treats. Reinforcement in any form is a required and necessary part of your dog’s life. Even after they are trained, it will still be necessary to maintain your rules and boundaries. This is really no different than we encounter with people learning to drive a car. Obtaining your driver’s license only shows that you understand the rules of the road, and have demonstrated your ability to operate a car safely. It does not guarantee that you will stop at every stop sign, and drive the speed limit all the time. Obviously there are a lot of factors that change as you drive, and some drivers are more honest than others. The bottom line however is that there are police officers responsible for maintaining the law and enforcing the rules that we have agreed to.

When looking at dog training from this standpoint, it easy to see how reinforcement of rules will be inevitable at some point. Every dog is different though, and some dogs require more or less reinforcement than others.

The good news is that proper and thorough training including our puppy training classes, will result in your dog being more reliable even without training equipment or training ‘aids’ as we call them. Training your dog to be reliable without a Sit Means Sit dog training collar on is a matter of transferring attention through conditioning. There are three broad phases of training that you will encounter as you train your dog. Sticking with the your training and reinforcing your rules consistently over a long enough period of time will get your dog as reliable as they can be. The phases of training are as follows:

Phase 1: The Teaching/Control Phase ~ 6-12+ weeks

During phase one, the goal is to achieve control over your dog, teach them the rules, boundaries and desired behaviors you want. It also the time to teach the dog to pay attention and perform these commands around distractions. This phase lasts between 6-12 weeks on average, however in certain situations it may take longer to gain the reliability needed before moving on to phase two. Once your dog is capable of performing commands quickly and reliably around a variety of distractions with minimal problem solving required, then your dog and you are ready to move on to phase two.

Phase 2: The Reinforcement Phase ~ 6-12+ weeks

During phase two, the goal is to begin phasing out your training aid (remote dog training collar). In phase one, we use the dog training collar on a regular basis to regain attention and maintain our rules. Now in phase two we begin to reduce our dependence on the dog training collar and introduce consistency via variable reinforcement. You may or may not need your dog training collar, but we want to teach the dog that you are still in control even if the perception of the dog is that you are not. This phase will last between 6 – 12 weeks on average, and will require you to stick with phase two for longer than average. It’s also not uncommon as dogs mature and age to have to revert back into phase one training again for several weeks depending on how your dog’s performance and behavior is. When your dog is capable of performing commands without the need for reinforcement for approximately 6 weeks, then your dog is very likely to be reliable without their training aid present. We are ultimately looking to have your dog learn how to filter our distractions entirely. When this is achieved, your dog is much less likely to act out in an unwanted manner because of distractions.

Phase 3: The Maintenance Phase ~ Ongoing

The third and final phase of training a dog is the maintenance phase. During this phase, you will likely be using your dog training collar or other dog training aid very little as your dog is capable of ignoring distraction. The catch however is that they are still capable of distraction (they are not robots). A smart trainer recognizes this and is ready to maintain their rules, commands and boundaries at anytime. It is not uncommon to have a dog who sense the lack of maintenance and begins to revert back in their behavior. The benefit of having done your dog training properly to begin with is that regression is easily minimized and dealt with by simply jumping back into training for a short time to remind the dog of the expectations.

At Sit Means Sit Dog Training – Murfreesboro, we are committed to helping you achieve your training goals. Whether you have a new puppy needing our puppy training classes or an older dog with behavioral issues, our expert dog trainers will work with you to develop a customized dog training program that suits your needs. Contact us today to schedule your free dog training consultation and see why we are the best choice for dog training in Murfreesboro and the surrounding areas.

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Dog Trainers & Staff

Professional trainers. Attentive friendly staff.

Anthony BraccianteOwner

I am the Franchise Owner and Head Trainer of our Sit Means Sit Denver and Rockies locations. With 20 years now spent as a part of SMS, and thousands of dogs and clients trained, from the simple to the very extreme, I’m a humbled example of the success of a great system combined with the trained skill and passion to pursue results.

My story began when two moments came together around the same time 20 years ago. I was working as a recruiter, feeling burned out and in need of a change. My dog, Jasper, was about 4-years-old, had been through two retail store training programs, a leash training program, and had done agility training that included clicker and treats. He was an awesome rescue dog and hiking partner. While raking leaves one day, Jasper was happily chewing a stick until he spotted a coyote and bolted across Colfax Avenue in Denver, close to Sloan’s Lake! He didn’t get hit, but it scared the heck out of me, and I knew it was time for a change. I found SMS, Dave Skoletsky and Fred Hassen, and my life and career changed forever.

Over the years, I’ve experienced the many facets of dog training, and have developed a keen aptitude for teaching clients and other trainers the tools of the trade. I’ve been a certified Franchise and Seminar Instructor, a frequently invited speaker, and participate on our Franchise Working Group support team. I also helped create the SMS Franchisee and Dog Training Manual and Code of Ethics. Perhaps most proudly, our location has helped 7 clients go on to become Franchise Owners themselves – paying it forward!

There are more success stories than I can recall now (buy me a beer, I’ll tell you more), but one client story especially embodies why I love what I do. A 9-year-old boy named AJ came in with his dog, Tyco. His aunt rescued the dog for AJ when he was 8, but by the time he was 9, AJ couldn’t walk or control Tyco, so she brought him in for training with us. At his first lesson, his mom and aunt made it clear that I was training AJ, not the adults. It was amazing – he listened intently, asked questions, and adjusted when directed to do so. That first night, he was proudly walking Tyco next to him, dragging the leash behind, while my dog was chasing frisbees back and forth across the room! I will never forget the smile across his face or the joy and results we could deliver with our system. I’ll never stop driving to deliver that result for the families who entrust me with training their dogs and family.

With my patient wife and two daughters, it’s a thrill to share in the lives of the dogs and clients we train, and I love passing the family atmosphere and community impact along to my kids. My girls have been heavily involved in training. We bought our own facility in 2016, which has given us an even stronger platform to develop a fantastic team of trainers and staff, allowing them to grow, and providing us with the opportunity to service our clients and dogs even more than before. Thank you for your time, I look forward to meeting one day!

Ed GravesHead Trainer

Hello! I graduated from Colorado State University with a degree in psychology and a minor in coaching. Much of my career has involved coaching and training teams in the corporate world. For 17 years, I also operated an independent financial services practice, but decided to go in a different direction for my next stage in life.

After getting Pepper as a new puppy in 2016, I followed her down the road to Sit Means Sit. I have always had dogs, and have always been envious of owners with highly obedient ones! In 2017, I joined the SMS family to pursue a more fulfilling and meaningful career.

I have 3 children, Savanna, Olivia and Isla. In my free time, I enjoy golf, movies, comedy, and pickleball, and have been known to sing 80s songs, show tunes, and heavy metal songs while playing the air guitar to entertain my team members.

Nicole SweeneyTrainer

What’s up guys! My name is Nicole Sweeney, a trainer here at Sit Means Sit Denver. I started training dogs professionally in 2014, after some time as a trainer in that position I felt as if I had hit a plateau, not only career-wise but with my own dogs. So I headed out looking for a new adventure and that landed me here! I started my SMS story in 2019 and let me tell you it was one of the best decisions i have ever made. I absolutely LOVE my job!

Since starting my career at SMS my dog training knowledge stepped up to a new, much higher level. My boss has invested so much into my new skill set and I could not be more thankful. Not only have I grown as a person here but the lifestyle I’ve been able to create with my own dogs has been mind blowing. I’m an outdoorsy kinda girl and having off leash dogs with me on the mountain or cruising on my paddle board with them is the Colorado dog lifestyle I have always dreamed of. All I want to do is help my clients build that kind of fun and adventure with their own pups!

Debbie DuffyTrainer/Kennel Coordinator

Hello! I have been interested in dogs from an early age, enough so that one of my first words was “woof”. I used to go outside to “play with a leash”, and would often come back with a dog – stray or a neighbor’s dog – didn’t matter much to me!

I showed Miniature Schnauzers for 4 years, then went into the doggy daycare business for 15 years. I have always liked learning about the many different dog breeds in the canine world, from the common to the unusual.

I am now here at Sit Means Sit, working and caring for the dogs training with us and I love it! I especially enjoy getting to know each and every one of our Day Train and Board and Train dogs and bonding with them while they work and stay with us. I look forward to meeting you and your dog!

April VanderlipSchedule Coordinator

Hi there! I’ve been with Anthony’s amazing team as a scheduling coordinator for over 3 years and have enjoyed every minute. Anthony and his team have really made an impact on their community in the 20+ years he’s been training in the Denver and Rockies areas and I value working alongside those who value their customers’ success. Sit Means Sit provides the support and guidance dog owners need to reach their training goals or overcome their training concerns.

Prior to joining Sit Means Sit, I started my consulting business after being part of the corporate marketing world for over 12 years. It’s rewarding to work with small business owners and know I play a part in their success. My husband and I have two littles and enjoy spending most of our time watching them grow into amazing (silly, fun and confident) human beings. We also have two 4-legged family members, Bella and Skittles who are 15 and 13 year old dachshunds. I’ve always loved animals and have been a dog owner all my life. Now seeing our children love and cherish each animal they encounter brings that love full circle. I really enjoy what I do and strive to maintain happiness and balance in life.

Carlye GordonAccounting

Hello! I have helped manage Sit Means Sit Denver’s accounting and finances for the past 5.5 years. I love writing and working with numbers while looking at ways to make processes more efficient. Prior to working at Sit Means Sit, I worked as a business consultant and acted as the go-between for business and IT teams on large telecommunications projects.

I have really enjoyed being part of a smaller business where I can see firsthand what makes Sit Means Sit such a successful place. I love watching and hearing about the transformations that take place here and meeting all of the dogs that make their way through our front door (my favorite part of the job).
I grew up in Arvada and have lived in Colorado my whole life. I have four boys, ages 12, 15, 17, and 19 and spend much of my time watching them play soccer, baseball, swimming, and singing in choir, as well as refereeing their interactions. I enjoy running and swimming with friends and gardening, and am still working on walking by dogs without stopping to pet each one!

Addison BraccianteJunior Trainer

Hi, I’m Addison, and I am the oldest daughter of Sit Means Sit Denver’s owner, Anthony. I have 2 dogs, their names are Finn and Phaneuf. I absolutely love animals, and in my house we have 2 dogs, 1 Betta fish, 1 snail, 1 tortoise, and, previously, a cat.

I also love horses, and will start retaking horseback riding lessons in September of 2018. My first pets were Stella, a German Shorthaired Pointer, Jasper, a Black Lab mix, Phaneuf, a Border Collie, and Wrigley, a cat.

I officially started working here last year, but I cannot remember a day in my life where I wasn’t around a dog. There are even videos of me training dogs in diapers! My dog Finn is 2-years-old (in human years), and we are going to breed him with our neighbor’s dog, and keep one of the puppies. And, my dog Phaneuf is 12, and she LOVES water.

I am 12 years old and I love to snowboard at Loveland, Monarch, and in Crested Butte. I start 7th grade in the fall of 2018 at Compass Montessori. My little sister’s name is Lenyx and we are 22 months apart. When I grow up, I want to train service dogs because I want to help people.

Thanks for reading this and I hope to see you soon!

Lenyx BraccianteJunior Trainer

Hi, my name is Lenyx, and I am 10 and the youngest daughter of the owner, Anthony. I have 2 dogs and I’ve been around dogs my whole life. My dad used to have an office at a vet clinic, then one day he said to Addison (my sister) and me that he wanted to get a facility.

At first I was kind of unsure about it, and then he started looking for buildings and found this one. It was perfect so he bought it, did some renovations, and now we are moved in here.

Ever since then, I’ve wanted to come more and more, so I started coming and helping out. One day, Addison and I decided that we wanted to work and actually get paid, so we asked our dad for an interview. It went successfully and we’re still working here. My family has 5 pets – Finn and Phaneuf are my 2 dogs, Auggie is Addison’s fish, Diez is my snail and Priscila is my tortoise that I got for Christmas. We are also going to breed Finn when he turns 2. My dad does not want one of his puppies, but if we’re going to breed Finn, we’re getting one of his puppies! I also love horses, and I do horseback riding lessons and summer camp, but I can’t convince my parents to get a horse.

Horse or no horse, dogs will always be a part of my life and I love them, so come in and I can’t wait to meet your dog!

Service Areas

We proudly serve the following areas in Denver.


  • Denver
  • Jefferson
  • Clear Creek
  • Boulder
  • Adams


  • Denver
  • Edgewater
  • Wheat Ridge
  • Lakewood
  • Evergreen
  • Golden
  • Arvada
  • Westminster
  • Boulder
  • Superior
  • Louisville
  • Broomfield
  • Federal Heights
  • Northglenn
  • Thornton
  • Brighton
  • DIA
  • Commerce City
  • Montbello
  • Stapleton
  • Cherry Creek
  • Glendale
  • Washington Park
  • Downtown
  • Highlands
  • Green Valley Ranch

Zip Codes

  • 80002
  • 80003
  • 80004
  • 80005
  • 80006
  • 80007
  • 80020
  • 80021
  • 80022
  • 80023
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  • 80401
  • 80403
  • 80601
  • 80602
  • 80640

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Dog Training Videos

Check out a few videos to see our dog trainers at work!

Sit Means Sit Denver

Dog Owners Reviews

We love customers and their dogs. They love us.

Stephanie H.

Sit Means Sit has been a LIFE SAVER and I highly recommend their training no matter your dog or your goal. We adopted our dog when he was three, he was completely un-socialized and fear aggressive of people, dogs and especially small spaces, like the halls and elevators at home. He had never been on…

Sandy W.

Having recently just completed only 4 one hour sessions at Sit Means Sit with our 5-month-old puppy, I just want to thank both of our trainers for their excellent help! Oso was a stubborn, willful, playful puppy. Now he’s still playful and loving, but also obedient and very willing to do what we ask of…

Zenobia R.

Sheer relief. That was what I felt the day we took our male American Bulldog, Hooch, home from his 14 day Board & Train with Sit Means Sit. He was a happy, easy-going, friendly dog until he entered full adulthood and then he was as his breed suggests, a bully! We worked with leash training…

Amy P.

Amazingly effective program. We started at 10 weeks with our rescue mixed dog. We are about 6 weeks in now, and she is just SO MUCH FUN to have. Thanks to this training our families hikes and walks are a total blast. We can play with her, let her run all she wants, but maintain…